Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm in Trouble

Whoops, haven't updated for almost a month and I got in trouble with the Aussie web ring dudes. I just haven't been knitting! I'm a very changeable person, and I have about a trillion hobbies. I've been sewing new clothes, which I desperately need, and working on my Kombi, which needs a hell of a lot of work. I didn't really think knitters would be interested at all! I'm also about to get my hair chopped off. It's been long for as long as I can remember, so I'm a bit freaked. Sigh. I'll try to do something knit-related to update with. Not enough bloody hours in the day.

1 comment:

Donna (Random Knits) said...

Any update is a good update! :)
Random knits