Thursday, December 04, 2008

Treasures, Arrrr

Well this isn't so much of a treasure (arrr). This is the Regia I'm doing Swallowtail #2 in. It really is a sock yarn, it just doesn't feel quite right for a lacy shawl, but I've had it hanging around for years, and I may as well just do something with it. By the way, it seems that Blogger only does pictures in giganto mode. I'm working on a solution!

This is a treasure, have a look at this baby!

It's probably not obvious, but this is about 4km of 31 wpi merino which I bought from the Salvo's for......$3!!!!!! Holy Moses that was a good find. I don't expect anything like that to happen ever again. Sigh. My only problem is that I covet it so much that I can't bear to use it. I look up patterns, or attempt to design patterns, and none of them seem worthy! I would really have to dye it if I were to wear it, because I just don't do white, but how can I possibly dye it when the next day I might change my mind? I know I know, I could always buy something similar. I was considering possibly using it to make Margaret Stove's Flowering Eucalyptus Shawl and dyeing it a eucalypt or olive green, so I tried to find one on Ravelry knitted by someone else, but no one seems to have done it on there, and it would be good to see how it turns out, because I can't get much of an impression from the photo's in the book (Creating Original Hand-Knitted Lace). I guess the only thing to do is knit some samples and see if I like how it looks...but still, that wool is so gorgeous.... Another option I've though of is to knit some gorgeous amazing baby shawl of my own design for the baby (-ies) I will one day have, but I don't know if I can capture the zeitgeist required for such a sentimental undertaking. Maybe that sort of thing ought to be done when the baby is known to be coming to harness then necessary emotions to create something amazing.
Well I think I'm going to Stitch and Bitch tonight. I'm pretty nervous, going all alone, but the automatically generated reminder email was encouraging to newbies!

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