Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Back At Last

Here I am again. What a bad start to a blog. I get a few days in and my brother gets a brain tumour up in Newcastle and I leave town for 2 weeks and have no access to computers at all. By the time I get back, I am so behind at uni and the rest of my life that everything is far too hectic to update, much less knit. I couldn't take my knitting to Newcastle because I had 2 seconds to pack and could only take hand luggage, so I figured I probably couldn't take my lovely steel needles. However, while I was there I knitted my bro a horrible beanie to cover up his lovely scars and new haircut. Everyone else insists that the beanie is great, but I loathe it. Every time I see it I just want to rip it. I started a pair of socks for him, but they are too big and I hate them anyway. I had grand plans of the most incredible socks the world has ever seen, but they just turned to crap, and what with the trauma of waiting for the operation, watching his recovery and just generally wanting to scream, I just didn't have the heart to knit! Can you believe it? Anyway, I'm going to rip that sock half and start again with a much less planned, more instinctive design. I realise that from now on I have to trust my instinct when it comes to design.
So, there are no lovely piccies, because there's nothing worth showing. I want to finish my skull bag, because I desperately need a handbag. I might get on to that in just a sec.

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