Monday, August 28, 2006

One sock down

Well, it's been quite a while. I've just been so busy. It's funny how life always has lots of stuff happening to keep you busy all the time. I went to Newcastle for a few days last weekend, and back home I've been making meals, cleaning up and washing clothes. That stuff keeps me busy all week, and then on the weekend I have back logs of people who want to see me. I seem to be forever running around for other people. It doesn't really matter, I have a good time anyway.
Tomorrow I'll be sending off the last package to my one skein secret pal, and the package for my favourite colour swap pal. Other than that, all I've managed to do is finish the first father's day sock.

Apparently Father's Day is next Sunday, so I'd better get cracking on that other one!
Gotta go and make lunch.

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