Sunday, May 07, 2006

A little bit extra...

After that last post I remembered some more stuff I wanted to say. I've joined up with the Interweave One Skein Secret Pal Exchange. It's my first ever secret pal exchange thingo, so I'm a bit nervous, a bit excited. Actually, the driving force behind starting this blog was joining up. I was thinking, how could I properly enjoy a secret pal exchange if I couldn't share my excitement with the knitting community out there? I love to read knitters' blogs and see the fun of receiving a present from a complete stranger who may be on the other side of the planet, as well as sending presents to strangers! I'm really excited about the whole thing, and I've been thinking about all the skeins I've seen and drooled over, and how much someone else might enjoy them. Deary me, I'm getting all excited now. Anyhow, here's the button, just because it's so damn pretty:

Ahhh. Getting my yarn fix just thinking about it. So, I've been practicing spinning again so I could possibly send my own skein. It's funny, I started spinning about 14 years ago, but because I do it so intermittently, I'm just crap at it. I'm trying my best, getting a bit better every time. I've just finished spinning some lovely Merino which I've plied with a fine silk thread, and I want to post a picture, but I'll have to wait until daylight to try to catch the colours with the camera.

Okay, enough excitement for one day.

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