Sunday, February 22, 2009


I don't usually do this, but it seemed like a good laugh. I found this idea on this blog. Type your name followed by "needs" into Google and see what you need.
1. Disquina [not her real name] needs to be prompted to see a reproductive endocrinologist.
2. Disquina needs someone to buy her debt.
3. Disquina needs cheese.
4. Disquina needs to stop living vicariously through her daughter.
5. Disquina needs officers or will cease to exist.
6. Disquina needs to get her priorities straight.
7. Disquina needs to die.
8. Disquina needs to shut the fuck up [pardon me, just quoting Google].
After this they start to get dull.

1 comment:

Bells said...

oh that looks a fun game! The rude google quote was funny!