Saturday, July 29, 2006

IOU 1 Real Blog Entry

I'll get to it soon. Just a quick update. The bamboo Branching Out scarf is finally done. It needs to be blocked, then the piccies will be forthcoming. Tonight I'm starting the chevron scarf I mentioned earlier, but decided to use some stuff from my stash rather than buying some new stuff. It'll be a nice fun quick project to ease me up from the seemingly endless Branching Out scarf, a bit of a relax before I do something more interesting. It was my birthday on Wednesday and I had the best birthday ever. My lovely boy bought me a ride on a hot air balloon, which I've been wanting to do for about 15 years (there's a bit of a balloon fetish in Canberra), and Mum said she'll take me to one of my favourite yarn shops and we'll get whatever I want... she should be careful what she says... there's some Noro there with my name on it I think...or this handpainted merino...or this blue and green mohair........
Well, I've been moving house, which is why there are no piccies and no progress. Have to be out by Monday, so after that, the entries will be back to their usual sporadic selves. I've been so busy that I forgot that my driving licence would expire yesterday and I should get another one, but the motor registry is closed till Monday, and I have to move my crap by then, and I don't legally have a licence!!! Damn bureaucracy!!

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