Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Observations from my Sick Bed

Okay, so I don't really have any observations from my sick bed, because the last few days in said sick bed have been spent puking, grasping my stomach in agony, running from sick bed to the toilet to, well, release my bowels, in a very severe and (sorry) runny manner, and then sleep and wish the whole thing would just f*** off. It wasn't pleasant at all, as you may have gathered. I did a few rows on Branching Out, and I have a photo to prove it:

Pretty exciting huh? You can tell how it's progressed hey? And it's blurry to prove that I really was sick. Just for good measure, here's a picture out of my bedroom window/door:
It's the middle of Winter here, so it probably doesn't look too impressive, but right in the middle is a rose I planted about 10 years ago, Queen Elizabeth, and behind that is an apple tree planted at the same time which has the most delicious apples I've ever tasted.
So that's why I haven't posted recently. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I've decided that I want to finish this scarf by tomorrow. I don't know if it'll happen. I've done about 4 and a half repeats today, and the ball is getting quite small. I'm desperate to knit something else. I am getting so bored.
I'll update soon, when this damn thing is finished!

1 comment:

NattyChick said...

Happy Birthday for yesterday. Are you feeling any better? Did you manage to finish your scarf? Hope you had a nice day and are feeling better.
