Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Here I am at last. I lied about updating the next day. Sorry.
First I must show you the grape Kool-Aid dye batch:

You can't really see the colour terribly well, but it's reasonably close. It smells like wool and bubblegum. I must think of a one skein project to use it for. My skeins tend to be really short too...

Next, my Eucalyptus cinerea scarf:

I couldn't get a better picture. The light today is terrible - really overcast and miserable. You can kind of get the gist of the colour and design here. It's a little more red, and the scarf is about 30cm wide and 150cm long. It had to be pretty short because I only had 5 skeins, and as I said, they're pretty short. The stitches are very large, so the scarf is a bit like a net. On Thursday night I'm off to the exhibition opening of a friend, and I'm intending to wear it. I'll see how it goes.

Lastly, bamboo scarf:

This is Branching Out from Knitty. I haven't really tried any lace before, and this pattern is supposed to be a good one for knitters who want to get a start into lace. The thing is, I think this pattern hates me. I can be going along just fine, thinking that everything is working out, and then I discover that I've screwed up big time! In the first repeat I somehow got a stitch reversed or something, so one stitch looks a bit wrong, and in the third repeat I somehow managed to drop a stitch without even noticing! I've never had that happen before. It has been so infuriating! I managed to fix it though by undoing several rows to get to the root of the problem - it wasn't just a simple matter of pulling the stitches back through with a crochet hook! The yarn itself is lovely, but I think it might be why I'm having so much trouble. It's lovely and soft and smooth, which means that the stitches happily drop off the needle. It acts a little like cotton, with no stretch like wool has, but it's so lovely and smooth. I definitely want to get more of it! I had a look at the website of the supplier, http://www.soysilk.com, and they also have fibre made of soy and corn, all in beautiful colours. There are also some lovely patterns which I'll have to attend to some day...

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